ISO-50001-2011 Energy Management System

ISO 50001:2011 Energy Management System Certification

Nowadays, increasingly importance has been even greater energy, efficient use of energy on the basis of ISO 50001 Energy Management System, in every sector that can be applied to all kinds of businesses from small to large, can be integrated into other management systems alone and can be executed as a management system. Energy management system determine the energy policy of organizations, objectives and targets within the framework of the energy management program created in line with the energy consumption and is based on the provision of improvement by evaluating the performance of energy management system.

ISO 50001:2011 energy management system- is suitable for every organization no matter what the size, industry or geographical location. Energy-related greenhouse gas Emissions intensive or the work of any legal liability may be faced with the agencies is directly might interest. 

ISO 16001 standard removed from the publication, posted and updated as ISO 50001.