Learn how to improve resource efficiency, decrease costs, and reduce waste.

ISO 14001 certification will enable you to:

Minimize possibilities for environmental impact

Decrease the organization’s  costs and waste

Improve your career opportunities

Increase environmental awareness

Enhance the organization’s profile and integrity

Create possibilities for profit increase

Food Safety Management provides a preventive approach on how to identify and control food safety and ensure the safety supply chain.

Benefits of ISO 22000 Food Safety Management.

Continuously improve the processes to provide safe food

Increase possibility to generate additional profits

Recognize, control and eliminate safety risks related to food

Built customer’s confidence on  control of food safety hazards

Ensure sustainable food safety

By becoming ISO 26000 certified, you will be able to:

Improve the internal processes to contribute to social responsibilities

Help different organization behave in socially responsible manner

Increase profits possibilities

Increase social responsibility awareness

Motivate the employees through human rights improvement

Learn how to reduce workplace hazards, protect the safety, health and welfare of the people engaged in your workplace….

Benefits of ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management:

Eliminate or minimize OH&S risks

Reduce work injuries, ill -health and death cases

Improve brand reputation

Improves legislations compliance

Improve OH&S efficiency and effectiveness

Act in prevention operations vs detection

Benefits of OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management

Being OHSAS 18001 certified, will enable you to improve your image and credibility

Reduce workplace hazards

Reduce costs which are associated with health fees and compensations.

Minimize accident and incident


Development Educational Group  (DEG)

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